Citizens for a Better City
Falls Church, VA
CBC’s fiscal year begins on January 1, 2025, so please show your support by renewing your membership today!
To remind you why your membership and annual dues are meaningful, here is a list of some of our continuing activities and programs:
The Youth Representatives Program – managing the application, appointment, and training of city youth to serve on City Boards and Commission and other leading local civic organizations.
Election Activities – Candidate “Meet and Greets,” Campaign Forums and, in the past year, the development of a landmark Campaign Integrity Pledge signed in July by all City Council and School Board candidates.
Issues Forums – Hosting speakers, panels discussions, and debates in concert with our fellow civic groups, often held at the Falls Church American Legion Post 130.
Yearly sponsorship of the Falls Church Education Foundation Run for the Schools and the Women’s History Walk.
Support for the Falls Church City Women’s History Initiative – Creating an archive of biographical information, including written dossiers and oral and filmed interviews, on our women leaders to produce a permanent record for our city.
The CBC issues booth at Memorial Day and the Fall Festival, where educational information on pertinent issues of the day and opportunities to meet local leaders are provided.
Regular Communication with our At-Large membership regarding issues of interest from the School Community, City Council, and other local organizations to promote civic awareness and engagement.
CBC Shout Out Awards to honor deserving individuals in recognition of exceptional service to the Falls Church community.
Best wishes,
Hal Lippman, President