Citizens for a Better City
Falls Church, VA
During the 2020 City Council special election to replace Councilperson Dan Sze, the CBC hosted conversations with the 3 candidates. You can view them here:
To view the recording of the Zoom Conversation with Candidate SIMONE PASS TUCKER from Sunday, Oct. 4, 2020, click the link below, and use the Passcode: F0uA7?%7
To view the recording of the Zoom Conversation with a Candidate for City Council -
JOSHUA SHOKOOR from Sunday, Sept. 27, 2020, click the link below, and use the Passcode: rJ3%cBU!
(Please note the Topic will show up on the webpage as "Jody Acosta's Personal Zoom" but it is the recorded Conversation with Josh from Sept. 27th.)
To view the recording of the Zoom Conversation with a Candidate for City Council - DEBBIE HISCOTT - from Sunday, Sept. 20th. 2020, please click HERE Passcode: l7Ki8e+!